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Ideas de negocios

82 mejores ideas de negocios para emprendedores novatos [Edición 2020]

¡Compartir es cuidar!

Última actualización el por Frank Moraes

El costo de establecer un nuevo negocio nunca ha sido tan bajo. Especialmente para negocios basados ​​en línea. La tecnología ha hecho que comenzar su propio negocio sea fácil, asequible y posible. Todo lo que necesita para iniciar un negocio en línea es un teléfono, una computadora y una conexión a Internet.

La idea de un buen negocio es a menudo uno de los obstáculos más difíciles.

best business ideas

Idealmente (y para que usted tenga éxito), su idea de negocio perfecta debe consistir en tres cosas:

  1. It debería ser algo que te gusta hacer ,
  2. Debe ser algo eres bueno en , y
  3. Debe ser algo que es en demanda (es decir, la gente pagaría).

Para ayudarlo a comenzar, hemos creado una lista de ideas de negocios basadas en “en línea” y “fuera de línea” que son fáciles de comenzar, tienen demanda y pueden ser rentables.

Hemos categorizado las ideas de cada negocio de la siguiente manera:

Categoría Rango Descripción
Tipo de empresa En línea o fuera de línea ¿Esta oportunidad está disponible en el mundo real? o en el ciberespacio?
Inversión Costo bajo o alto ¿Cuánto dinero cuesta iniciar este negocio?
Potencial de ganancia Valor bajo o alto ¿Cuánto puede esperar ganar de manera realista?

También indicamos qué ideas son adecuadas para (1) madres y padres que se quedan en casa (2) estudiantes universitarios y (3) adolescentes y niños.

Tabla de contenidos

Lista de verificación de inicio y plan de negocios de una página

Una vez que haya seleccionado un negocio para lanzar, descargue nuestra Lista de verificación de inicio y el Plan de negocios de una página.

Estos documentos simples lo ayudarán a preparar y lanzar una exitosa pequeña empresa .

Versiones PDF Versiones de Word Doc
Plan de negocios de una página – PDF Plan de negocios de una página – Word Doc
Iniciar un Lista de verificación comercial – PDF Comience una lista de verificación comercial – Word Doc

Ahora, profundicemos en las ideas de negocios.


  • Lista de verificación de inicio y plan de negocios de una página
  • Ideas de servicios empresariales B2B
  • Empresas de artes y medios de comunicación
  • Oportunidades de negocios relacionadas con la educación
  • Ideas de negocios de hospitalidad y alimentos ]
  • Ideas de negocios tecnológicos
  • Ideas de negocios de servicios personales
  • Ideas de negocios de atención médica
  • Conclusión
  • Apéndice: Ideas de negocios categorizadas
  • Lista de ideas de negocios en línea para mamás o papás que se quedan en casa
  • Lista o f Ideas de negocios para estudiantes universitarios
  • Lista de ideas de negocios para niños y adolescentes

b2b services business ideas

Ideas de servicios empresariales B2B

1. Contabilidad en línea

Al igual que muchas otras profesiones , la contabilidad se ha conectado. Esta es una gran noticia para muchos contables y contadores que se sienten atrapados en el entorno de la oficina y anhelan más libertad personal y la capacidad de trabajar durante sus propios horarios.

Con el software de contabilidad fácil de usar y herramientas de configuración de citas disponibles, nunca ha sido tan fácil configurar y administrar cuentas de clientes.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔

2. Agente de negocios

Un agente de negocios es alguien que ayuda a compradores y vendedores de negocios privados en el proceso de compra y venta. Como tal, él o ella debe tener un buen conocimiento del derecho comercial y las prácticas comunes en la industria en particular. Los corredores de negocios son recompensados ​​con comisiones por las ventas que realizan.

3. Alquiler de espacio de oficinas

El intercambio de oficinas es una industria en auge impulsada en gran medida por las necesidades de jóvenes emprendedores que están trabajando en el próximo Google o Amazon.

Si ya posee una propiedad adecuada, sus costos de inversión serán insignificantes. Sin embargo, si ese no es el caso, está buscando una inversión sustancial.

4. Operador de centro de llamadas virtual

A diferencia de los centros de llamadas regulares, los centros de llamadas virtuales a menudo emplean personas de todas partes del mundo, que luego hacen el trabajo desde sus hogares. Puede estar sentado en su dormitorio y la persona con la que está hablando aún podría pensar que está hablando directamente con alguien que está físicamente presente en la empresa.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔

5. Traducción de idiomas

A pesar de los impresionantes avances de la traducción automática, la demanda para traductores expertos todavía es muy alto y probablemente lo seguirá siendo durante bastante tiempo.

Puede comenzar a buscar trabajo en plataformas como Fiverr o Upwork y construir lentamente su clientela. También es una buena idea contactar directamente a blogueros populares y preguntarles si considerarían traducir su blog a otro idioma.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔

6. Importación de gadgets electrónicos OEM

Si observa los artículos más vendidos en Amazon o eBay, lo hará Probablemente note que muchos de ellos son de China. La fórmula es bastante simple: compra su inventario inicial, crea una marca y comercializa y anuncia sus productos en línea.

Incluso puede usar envío directo o servicios de cumplimiento de Amazon para hacer todo sin un almacén físico.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Colegio estudiantes ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

7. Tienda en línea

Apertura de una tienda en línea de comercio electrónico es una forma tan viable de ganarse la vida como lo fue hace una década. Sí, la finalización es más difícil, pero tiene acceso a una amplia gama de herramientas gratuitas que puede usar para configurar todo con muy poco esfuerzo.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

Con una plataforma como [1945912190] Shopify 15 Shopify 15 ], obtienes todo lo que necesitas para crear y lanzar una tienda en línea, incluido su nuevo “asistente” de inteligencia artificial (IA) llamado Kit. Kit puede manejar la mayor parte de su comercialización por usted.

8. Marketing de afiliados

Los vendedores afiliados promocionan productos de otras personas y ganan comisiones por sus ventas. Amazon es actualmente la plataforma más popular para el marketing de afiliación, pero también hay muchas alternativas. El marketing de afiliación a menudo se combina con blogging para crear una combinación perfecta de contenido y promoción.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

9. Consultor de analistas de datos

Con el aumento de “ big data [ 19459015] “, cada vez más empresas necesitan dar sentido a los montones de información para ajustar sus estrategias comerciales generales. Un analista de datos es alguien que tiene la experiencia técnica para hacer esto, a menudo tiene experiencia en economía, matemáticas o finanzas.

Los analistas de datos que trabajan para grandes corporaciones internacionales pueden ganar más que suficiente dinero para mantener un estilo de vida extravagante.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔

10. Gerente de campaña de marketing digital

El marketing se ha vuelto digital, y el trabajo de los gerentes de campaña de marketing digital es producir los mejores resultados posibles.

Puede comenzar su carrera como gerente de campañas de marketing digital estudiando los recursos en línea y experimentando por su cuenta.

Deberá comprender cosas como publicidad , SEO, páginas de destino , llamadas a la acción y social marketing en medios (incluido el uso de Facebook y Facebook Live ). Una vez que sepa lo que está haciendo, intente llamar en frío a empresas locales , preguntándoles si estarían interesados ​​en sus servicios.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔

11. Propietario de sitio web nicho

Nuevas tendencias comienzan todos los días, y algunas de ellas crecieron hasta convertirse en sensaciones de la cultura pop. Su trabajo como propietario de un sitio web especializado es capturar el mercado antes de que se sature demasiado.

Crear un sitio web de nicho ( usando WordPress ) le permitirá asegurar su lugar en la parte superior de los motores de búsqueda, lo que generará miles de visitantes diarios. El uso de una herramienta como StudioPress puede hacer esto aún más fácil. Blogging efectivamente hará crecer tu audiencia.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

12. Experto en SEO

La optimización del motor de búsqueda (SEO) es una necesidad absoluta para todos quien quiere ser relevante en la web.

Un experto en SEO capaz puede convertir un negocio moribundo en una operación próspera en cuestión de meses. No es de extrañar entonces que los mejores profesionales de SEO puedan ganar tanto como los desarrolladores de software experimentados.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔

13. Incubadora de empresas

El trabajo de una incubadora de empresas es ayudar a nuevas empresas y nuevas empresas plan y lanzamiento con éxito. Una incubadora de negocios típica proporcionará a los clientes capacitación administrativa, espacio de oficina, conectividad a Internet de alta velocidad, gimnasio, servicio de comidas y otras necesidades.

No tienes que pensar demasiado, una incubadora local puede ser el lugar perfecto para comenzar.

14. Servicios de seguridad

Vivimos en tiempos turbulentos, por lo que no sorprende que la demanda de servicios de seguridad está aumentando a un ritmo constante.

Dichos servicios de seguridad pueden realizarse fuera de línea (seguridad personal y doméstica) o en línea.

El lado en línea de las cosas se ocupa del robo de identidad, la protección contra doxxing o la seguridad general de la información.

arts media business ideas [194590043]

] Empresas de arte y medios

15. Autoedición

Algunos autores autoeditados ganan hasta $ 1 millón anual . Puede lograr el mismo tipo de éxito y todo lo que necesita son algunas herramientas disponibles gratuitamente y la capacidad de escribir un libro convincente que se venda.

Por supuesto, no tiene que ganar seis cifras para tener éxito con la autoedición. Solo unos pocos cientos de dólares adicionales cada mes pueden ser muy útiles.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

16. Consultor de redes sociales

Este negocio es ideal para alguien que sabe usar redes sociales para obtener objetivos comerciales. Puede especializarse (por ejemplo, en la publicación de anuncios de Facebook) o puede ser un generalista que puede navegar por LinkedIn, historias de Snapchat, Twitter y más. Las herramientas de redes sociales facilitan este trabajo.

Si bien algunos consultores de redes sociales pueden ganar mucho dinero, la mayoría solo puede ganar un salario promedio .

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔

17. Escritor de contenido

Las empresas de todos los tamaños adoptan marketing de contenidos como su forma principal de atraer clientes y establecer su posición como líderes del mercado.

Un escritor de contenido debería poder digerir rápidamente temas complejos y convertirlos en publicaciones atractivas que estén bien optimizadas para los motores de búsqueda. Como tal, es ideal para las personas que saben un poco sobre todo .

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔

18. Podcasting

Podcasting es una forma fantástica de hacer unos cuantos dólares para cualquiera que trata temas interesantes o especializados que son adecuados para este tipo de formato.

¿Te gustan los videojuegos o la música étnica? ¿Interesado en startups y emprendimiento ? Definitivamente, hay muchas personas como usted, que estarían ansiosas por escuchar su programa camino al trabajo o la escuela.

19. Blogging

Blogging está vivo y próspero en 2019. Todavía es gratis comenzar, pero sea paciente: tomará un tiempo obtener exposición y aumentar su audiencia. En estos días, la competencia es feroz. Hay más de mil millones de sitios web y blogs, y más de 200 millones están activos. Un buen conocimiento de SEO es esencial, como lo es creando contenido excelente .

Los mejores blogueros pueden ganar seis cifras altas a pesar de trabajar solo 20 horas más o menos cada semana.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

20. Estrella de YouTube

Quién no ha oído hablar de PewDiePie, la estrella más grande de YouTube con más de 46 millones de suscriptores? Su viaje al estrellato comenzó en su habitación con una humilde cámara web y un simple video Let’s Play , que hace hasta el día de hoy.

Más allá de la transmisión de juegos en vivo, todavía hay vastos e inexplorados mares llenos de oportunidades para cualquiera en YouTube que se atreva a perseguirlos.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

21. Artículos hechos a mano

Si eres una persona astuta, debes echar un vistazo en Etsy , el mayor mercado en línea para productos caseros y vintage.

Encontrará una increíble mezcla de billeteras de cuero, lámparas hechas de madera de río, camisetas únicas impresas a mano, joyas, sopa orgánica e innumerables cosas más. Los más vendidos a menudo se expanden más allá de la plataforma, creando sus propias marcas y abriendo tiendas en todo el mundo. También mire plataformas como Shopify y BigCommerce . Y tenga en cuenta que puede vender sus productos en más de un sitio.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

22. Restauración de antigüedades

Si le gusta trabajar con madera y objetos hermosos y valiosos en en general, pero no tengo el talento creativo para crear el suyo propio, restauración antigua podría ser su boleto para el éxito.

Dependiendo de lo que hagas exactamente, no necesitas invertir mucho dinero para comenzar, pero necesitarás viajar por todo el país para obtener las mejores piezas que puedas .

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔

23. Temas de WordPress

¿Eres un desarrollador web o diseñador que gana ingresos pasivos? Si es así, crear temas de WordPress podría ser el camino correcto para usted. Puede vender sus temas en sitios web como Envato .

Una vez que su tema esté terminado, aún deberá proporcionar a los clientes soporte continuo y trabajar en las actualizaciones, pero puede hacerlo cuando lo desee.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

24. Maquillador

Esta profesión es una de las pocas en las que puede comenzar a trabajar en tu habitación y terminas en el set de una película de Hollywood solo unos años más adelante.

Además, los maquilladores pueden t aprovechar plataformas como YouTube y hacer que su contenido sea visible para miles de millones de personas de todo el mundo.

25. Asesor de imagen

Probablemente se esté preguntando quién necesita un asesor de imagen . Muchas empresas e individuos confían en su imagen, lo que hace que valga la pena contratar a alguien para que lo administre.

Los mejores consultores de imagen son personas con un historial probado de éxito y conocimiento interno de la industria en particular.

26. E-Magazine

En estos días es muy fácil comenzar una revista electrónica [19459015 ]; puedes subcontratar todo en línea y actuar como editor jefe.

El modelo de suscripción le permite saber exactamente cuánto dinero ganará el próximo mes, y la naturaleza global de la web le ofrece un público muy amplio al que dirigirse.

Bueno para: quedarse en casa padres ✔ Estudiantes universitarios [ 19459015] ✔ Niños y adolescentes ✔

27. Drone Videographer

Si te gusta pilotar drones, tal vez deberías considerar trabajar como un camarógrafo de drones . Tienes la oportunidad de ir a lugares interesantes, conocer gente genial y, finalmente, desarrollar un portafolio que podría conseguirte un trabajo en Hollywood.

Los drones profesionales son muy caros, pero puedes comenzar de a poco con un dron de tamaño medio y una cámara GoPro e ir desde allí.

Good for: College students ✔


Video: There are plenty of online resources for learning about drones.

28. Graphic Design Artist

A graphic designer may create digital or print design work, like website design and print layouts. Many designers work small jobs (like logo design) on gig websites like Upwork . Competition can be fierce.

You can expect to make anywhere from $15/hour to $300/hour. Developing an impressive portfolio can help you earn more.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔

29. Subscription Service Owner

The main advantage of the subscription model is its predictable nature.

As the number of your subscribers rises, you will know exactly how much you can expect to earn every month.

The largest subscription services in the world are well-oiled machines that generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔

education business ideas

Education-Related Business Opportunities

30. Language Teacher

For a long time, language teaching has been the go-to way of making money on the side for students and even full-time high-school or university teachers. Now, with Skype and ubiquitous internet access, everyone can start teaching languages from the comfort of his or her home.

You don’t even have to know any foreign languages yourself – there are many advanced learners who are happy to just practice their conversation skills.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔

31. Online Teaching

The success of Khan Academy , a non-profit educational organization created in 2006 by educator Salman “Sal” Khan, has proved the effectiveness of online teaching and paved the way for talented educators and their students.

You can sell your expertise as video content on YouTube, or create your own website and charge your students on an hourly basis for Skype lessons.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔

32. Online Course Creator

One of the most popular platforms where people can access massive open online courses ( MOOCs ), Coursera, has more than 15 million users, who are hungry for knowledge. Such online courses go far beyond the traditional high-school curriculum.

If you have any skill at all that you think people might be interested in, there’s nothing stopping you from giving it a go. All it takes is a web camera, capture software, and basic editing skills.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔ Kids & Teens ✔

hospitality food business ideas

Hospitality and Food Services Business Ideas

33. Hostel Owner

With services like Airbnb, everyone can turn their house, garage, or just a single room into a unique accommodation for tourists and travelers from all around the world.

The platform will take care of the initial exposure and will provide a way for owners and clients how to conveniently communicate. If you happen to own a house in a very attractive destination, you can even expect to earn good money .

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔

34. Event Planner

The internet has enabled people to connect with like-minded individuals from across the globe, creating the perfect opportunity for event planners .

An event planner uses his or her organizational skills to organize an event like a wedding or a trade show. Money can then be made from entrance fees, sponsorships, on-premise sales to attendees, and other things.

35. Food Truck

Do you like to cook and always like coming up with new, creative ideas? Then opening a food truck might be just for you.

But even if you can hardly make a tea, you can still get in the business. Simply hire other people to what you can’t or are not willing to do yourself and become the brain of the operation.

36. Catering Business

These days, starting a catering business is all about finding the right niche. You can specialize in any type of food you like, any type of clients, and any type of venues.

Perhaps you would like to cater to young professionals who want to organize networking events, or you would like to be known as the go-to caterer for child parties – there’s nothing stopping you.

37. Craft Beer Brewing

Producing small amounts of beer has recently turned into a popular hobby and fantastic business opportunity.

You will need to invest in equipment, acquire the necessary knowledge, and possibly even employ a handful of people to help you with the entire operation. But seeing the finished product being served to customers in your favorite pub will be a wonderful reward.

38. Espresso Cart

Your first espresso cart could be a start of a much larger business. The key is to not actually spend your time selling the coffee and, instead, employing someone else to do the job.

You can then focus on growing your fleet of espresso carts and moving the business in the right direction .

39. Gluten-Free Bakery

Just like a regular bakery only gluten-free ! While a very small home bakery won’t cost you that much, a larger commercial operation is not cheap.

Luckily, you can often get the necessary equipment for a much better price, if you search for used commercial machines online. Learn how to use blogging to increase awareness of your business and grow revenue.

40. Organic Vending Machines

Vending machines are not exactly in vogue, but there’s still one niche that could end up being extremely profitable: organic vending machines. Where else can you get your favorite granola bar at any time of the day?

This business is most suitable for high-traffic areas in affluent parts of larger cities.

41. Guided Tours

Are you situated in a popular tourist destination? If so, you may consider yourself lucky.

Starting a guided tours business can be a growth opportunity. You can use it to make extra money during the summer, or it can be the start of a much larger business that employs other people to work as guides . Consider setting up a website that enables people to book tours online.

42. Organic Food Catering

Organic food catering is such a popular and lucrative niche in the catering business that it deserves to be mentioned on its own.

You should establish close ties with local farmers to ensure a steady supply of organic products. Then it’s just about acquiring the right equipment and marketing your services.

43. Organic Café

Being an owner of a small café definitely sounds like a wonderful experience. In fact, the only thing that sounds even better is being an owner of an organic café.

The main advantage of organic cafés is that you can charge premium prices for the items on your menu.

technology small business ideas Technology Business Ideas

44. Mobile App Developer

Mobile applications are more popular than ever, and people are willing to pay good money for ways to manage their lives from their smartphones.

If you have a great idea and know how to code (or learn to code ), you can run with it and create your app yourself.

If you just have an idea, there are plenty of software developers looking to collaborate with people on app creation.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔ Kids & Teens ✔

45. Custom Drone Builder

After a teenager won $250,000 by piloting his drone to victory on Dubai’s World Drone Prix, the frills global drone-racing event in history, it’s clear that this new sport will be huge in the future.

And because professional drone racers need professional custom-built drones, now is the perfect time to establish your name as a custom drone builder .

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔

46. VR/AR App Developer

The virtual reality software market is expected to reach $24.5 billion dollars in revenue by 2020. A good chunk of that revenue could be in your pocket.

All you have to do is learn how to develop immersive VR and AR experiences . The internet is full of resources and communities of like-minded people to help you along the way.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔ Kids & Teens ✔


Video: Get an introduction to virtual reality by creating a VR app for Android in 7 minutes.

47. IoT Service Provider

Likewise, the Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid rate, and it appears that soon every device will be connected to the cloud. Businesses and organizations of all sizes will need someone to provide them with the necessary infrastructure, hardware sensors, and continuous support.

48. VR Arcade Owner

The very first batch of VR arcades is just starting to pop up in some of the world’s largest cities.

Virtual reality is the perfect fit for arcades and could really bring a new life to this dying business. The technology is still not 100% there, but it probably will be soon .

49. Indoor Drone Racing

Drone racing is expected to be a multi-million-dollar sport within the next few years.

If you have a suitable indoor venue where you could let people practice their flying skills or host races, you should definitely consider giving this business a try. Additional income could be made from posting the footage online.

50. Electric Charging Station Provider

Electric vehicles are the future of transportation and electric vehicle charging stations are the backbone of this revolution.

If you own a highly frequented property, you might consider installing a charger and offering it to EV drivers for a small fee.

51. Energy Auditor

Green energy solutions can lead to dramatic savings, allowing some people to completely drop from the grid .

As an energy auditor , you will help businesses and individual home and apartment owners find ways how they could decrease their energy footprint and decrease their monthly bills.

52. 3D Printing Services

3D printing is taking the world by storm, and you can be part of this revolution if you just invest into a high-quality 3D printer and offer it to other people.

They will simply send you their projects for you to print and then come to pick them up or have them send to them in a box.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔ Kids & Teens ✔
zmorph 3d printer
If you’re experienced in a variety of software platforms, you’ll likely pick up 3D printing without serious challenges. ( Photo by  ZMorph Multitool 3D Printer  on  Unsplash  via license .)

53. E-Bike Repair Services

E-bikes are finally starting to become affordable for the average consumer. But most traditional bike shops lack the necessary expertise that would allow them to service the often complex electronic components found inside.

If you feel up to the task, this could be a tremendous opportunity  to become the biggest player in your local area.

54. Web Developer

As long as there will be a web, there will be a need for web developers.

Modern web development requires much more than just mastering HTML with CSS and, perhaps, learning PHP or JavaScript . Any web developer who wants to be competitive must become familiar with various frameworks, supporting technologies, and trends. Taking low-cost online courses is a good place to start.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔ Kids & Teens ✔

55. SaaS Business Owner

Software-as-a-Service is a business model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted.

It has the advantage of predictable monthly revenue and complete control over the entire project. It takes time, skill, and effort to develop SaaS software.

56. Smart Home Contractor

Modern smart home solutions can do everything from remotely controlling light bulbs in your house to your air-conditioning to a health-monitoring application in your smartphone.

Because the possibilities are virtually endless, it takes someone who understands the industry to come up with the best solutions possible.

Good for: College students ✔

personal services business ideas Personal Services Business Ideas

57. Barbershop Owner

Today’s booming barbershops are sumptuous man lairs that offer whiskey, beer, or a head massage along with the typical cut, style, and shave. Only experienced barbers should consider opening a barbershop.

The median barbershop owner salary is the same as the median barber salary: around $30,000/year. Owners who also barber can expect to make more. Barber websites should include a way for customers to book appointments online.

58. Dog Walker

A dog walker is a profession that involves a person walking with a dog, usually from the dog’s home and then returning the dog back to its home.

A dog walker can either be an individual or be part of a business like Rover . He or she will be paid by the dog owner to walk their dog or dogs for them.

Good for: College students ✔ Kids & Teens ✔

59. Career Coaching

The millennial generation faces a much tougher job market than any generation before. There’s no doubt that many will feel clueless about which direction they should take to maximize their chances of having a bright future ahead of them.

A career coach can do his or her work either from an office or via the internet.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔

60. Personal Shopper

Shopping for groceries, clothes, or electronic goods can eat up a lot of time very quickly. A personal shopper can help busy people reclaim this time in exchange for a small fee.

A personal shopper can be someone who goes to stores in person, or it can be someone gives online recommendations about which product the client should buy.

61. Virtual Assistant

The umbrella term “ virtual assistant ” refers to anyone who is paid to do a job of another person.

Let’s say that somebody runs an online store . That person might need occasional help with getting through customers’ correspondence and questions.

A virtual assistant works on an hourly basis and often serves multiple clients at the same time. The obvious limitation of this business is time itself.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔

62. Uber or Lyft Driver

Anyone who considers himself or herself to be a good driver can sign up with Uber or Lyft and make a good living driving people around the town.

While working as an Uber driver may not sound like an exciting career, it’s certainly a great way to put food on the table when you find yourself in between jobs.

Good for: College students ✔
Enjoy driving? With Uber or Lyft you can put your vehicle to work driving locals or tourists around. ( Photo by Alejandro Salinas on Unsplash via license .)

63. Mobile Laundry

Mobile laundry services can be the ideal extension of an existing laundry business. Anyone else will have to deal with high investment costs and relatively low returns.

In this day and age, it’s paramount to make the entire service as convenient as possible, which often means creating mobile applications and a website where customers can schedule deliveries and pickups.

64. Mobile Pet Grooming

As more and more people are postponing the decision to have children, they turn their attention to their pets .

Many owners are willing to pay as much as several hundreds of dollars to give their beloved pets a makeover . Be sure to set up a website that enables visitors to book appointments online.

Good for: College students ✔

65. Fitness Instructor

Whether it’s because people fail to adhere to a strict fitness regimen or because new fad diets and fitness movements are cropping up on a regular basis, the demand for fitness instructors is always high.

Modern fitness instructors should definitely consider exploring the online space and, perhaps, recording a series of educational videos and posting them online.

Not only is this a fantastic marketing strategy , but it’s also a viable way to generate additional income.

Good for: College students ✔

66. Anti-Aging Spa

The quest for eternal youth is as old as the hills. Modern technology gives us new options to prolong our good looks and keep health problems at bay.

A good anti-aging spa will require a substantial investment and constant maintenance. The upside is that it will attract clients who have money to spare.

67. Decluttering Services

With the tremendous success of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up from Marie Kondo , there has been a surge in demand for decluttering services.

People are in dire need to get rid of useless things that cause them an emotional burden.

This business is far from being just a cleaning service in disguise. More often than not, people will be unwilling to give up even what’s clearly just trash, so you must have a good understanding of human psychology as well.

68. Green Cleaning Services

The only thing that differentiates green cleaning services from regular cleaning services is the type of products used for the actual cleaning. But this simple thing can turn the otherwise unattractive businesses into something highly desirable.

People in upscale neighborhoods are willing to pay a lot of extra money just to know they are helping to preserve the environment .

69. Beard Care Products

Beards are still a thing and they will probably remain to be for some time.

You can start your own beard care brand with just a few cheap ingredients that you can buy online. When you manage to make a good product, all you need to do is take care of its marketing and bulk manufacturing.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔ College students ✔ Kids & Teens ✔

70. Tattoo Studio

Talented individuals can make a small fortune by opening their own tattoo studio and establishing themselves in the industry.

Some people are willing to travel across the world to have a tattoo from the artist they love. A substantial initial investment will be necessary. You’ll want to have a website that enables individuals to book appointments online. Be sure to engage in foreseeable risk management. You’ll need a deep understanding of how to prevent health risks associated with poorly executed tattoos and body piercings. Explore liability insurance and consider forming an LLC .

71. Pet Daycare

If you love animals and have enough room to spare in your house, you can start a pet daycare .

There’s not much to it: pet owners leave you their animals whenever they have to go out for a longer time, and your job is to provide them with everything they need and ensure that they will be happy.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔

72. Pick & Drop Services

Pick and drop service is another type of business that combines modern technology with our constant need for more time.

It usually starts with a platform that automatically pairs clients with suitable pickers. From there, it’s all about completing assignments as you receive them.

73. CrossFit Gym

Opening any kind of gym can be a fantastic business , but CrossFit gyms are what’s currently “in” the most.

Compared to traditional gyms, CrossFit gyms don’t require often overly expensive machines, as you get by with a high-quality set of barbells and squat racks.

74. Child Care Provider

Even though you can start a childcare service from your home, you should still prepare for a large investment.

If you live in a large city, you should definitely consider catering to a niche group of parents and charging premium prices for your services.

You could focus only on children with specific allergies or serve only organic food.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔

75. Solar Contractor

People are embracing solar energy and are even using it to become completely self-sufficient. Solar contractors help realize complex solar projects by supplying suitable equipment and ensuring that everything will be properly installed.

Background in electrical engineering is definitely recommended.

76. Sustainable Landscaping

Sustainable landscaping  uses strategies to avoid negative environmental problems like excess stormwater run-off, drinking water pollution, and invasive species propagation.

Sustainable landscapes often feature shade structures and bike racks made from recycled materials, wireless irrigation systems, native grasses, and large, open areas for sport and leisure.

Good for: College students ✔

healthcare business ideas

Healthcare Business Ideas

77. Medical Courier Service

This low-cost startup is an attractive option for those who are organized, responsible, and have a reliable vehicle. Medical couriers may deliver equipment, lab specimens, prescription drugs, documents or even organs.

Couriers make an average of $36 an hour or over $70,000 a year. You can start as a sole driver and then expand by hiring other drivers. Consider forming an LLC .

78. Mobile Medical App Developer

This is an opportunity for app developers with close ties to the healthcare industry and a knowledge of how it’s being shaped by AI and machine learning . Medical apps use monitoring, tracking, and rewards to improve user health.

App development costs can range widely: expect it to cost from $5,000 – $50,000. Beware: getting users to download and use apps can be challenging.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔

79. Acupuncture Business

An acupuncturist can expect to make anywhere from $45,000 – $100,000 per year, depending on experience.

If you are already trained in acupuncture and choose to start your business by renting a room at a community acupuncture clinic, your startup costs should be low.

80. Mobile Hearing Aid Specialist

With this business you can serve seniors in their homes, conducting hearing tests and providing them with the appropriate hearing aids. You may serve the bridge between one or more audiologists or health centers and local clients.

The median salary for a hearing aid specialist is $50,000. Check your local state for licensure or certification requirements.

81. Respite Care For Baby Boomers

This business provides planned temporary relief to adult caregivers of elderly parents. This non-medical work may entail a few hours a week of assistance or stepping in while the caregiver takes a vacation.

Individual providers of respite care can expect to earn between $20 – $40/hour or an average of $54,000/year. You can start the business as a solo provider then expand it into a highly profitable venture .

82. Growing Medical Marijuana

If you live a state or country where medical marijuana is legal , you can consider starting your own growing operation.

The initial setup can be costly, but it’s relatively smooth sailing after that.

Your days will be spent taking care of a wonderful plant and helping people improve their health and well-being in general.

Good for: Stay at home parents ✔


No matter what type of business (online or offline) you would like to start or how much money you have to invest, we are sure that, at least, a few ideas from our list will match your criteria.

Just remember that the idea alone is not enough. It takes hard work. You have to show passion, persistence, and dedication to overcome all challenges as they arise. If you do, there’s nothing that can stop you from joining the ranks of successful entrepreneurs and business people from all around the world.

Do you have a great idea for a business? Have we missed anything? Let us know via the comments here below.


Resources For Starting Your Business

How to Start a Business for Under $100

How to Build Your Own Startup Business the Easy Way

Small Business Financing: What’s Available For You?

Appendix: Business Ideas Categorized

Below we’ve groups the business ideas described in this article under the categories of:

  • Low-cost or no-cost ideas
  • Ideas for stay-at-home parents
  • Ideas for college students
  • Ideas for teens and kids

List of Low-Cost or No-Cost Business Ideas

All of the low investment or no investment business ideas included in this article are organized here for easy comparison. They are linked to their descriptions above.

  • Online bookkeeping
  • Business broker
  • Virtual call center operator
  • Language translator
  • Online store
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Data analyst consulting
  • Digital marketing campaign manager
  • Niche website owner
  • SEO expert
  • Security services
  • Self-publishing
  • Social media consulting
  • Content writer
  • Podcasting [194 59015]
  • Blogging
  • YouTuber
  • Handmade goods
  • Antique refurbishment
  • WordPress theme developer
  • Make-Up Artist
  • Image Consultant
  • Graphic design artist
  • Language teacher
  • Online teaching
  • Online courses
  • Event planner
  • Guided tours
  • Mobile app developer
  • VR/AR app developer
  • E nergy auditor
  • Web developer
  • Dog walker
  • Career coaching
  • Personal shopper
  • Virtual assistant
  • Uber or Lyft driver
  • Fitness instructor
  • Decluttering services
  • Green cleaning services
  • Beard care products
  • Pet daycare
  • Pick and drop services
  • Sustainable landscaping
  • Medical courier service
  • Acupuncture busi ness
  • Respite care for baby boomers

List of Online Business Ideas For Stay-at-Home Moms or Dads

We’ve taken all of the business ideas included in this article and generated this list of the ones that are particularly suitable for stay-at-home parents.

Some of these home-based businesses, like data analyst consultancy, require a background in the field. But most of these ideas do not. For example, you can teach yourself SEO, 3D printing, and how to run an online store.

  • Online bookkeeping
  • Virtual call center operator
  • Language translator
  • Importing electronic OEM gadgets
  • Online store
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Data analyst consulting
  • Digital marketing campaign manager
  • Niche website owner
  • SEO expert
  • Self-publishing
  • Social media consulting
  • Content writer
  • Blogging
  • YouTube r
  • Handmade goods
  • Antique refurbishment
  • WordPress theme developer
  • E-magazine
  • Drone videographer
  • Subscription service owner
  • Graphic design artist
  • Language teacher
  • Online teaching
  • Online courses
  • Hostel owner
  • Mobile app developer
  • Custom drone builder
  • VR/AR app developer
  • 3D printing services [194590 15]
  • Web developer
  • Career coach
  • Virtual assistant
  • Beard care products
  • Pet daycare provider
  • Child care provider
  • Sustainable landscaping
  • Mobile medical app developer
  • Medical marijuana grower

List of Business Ideas For College Students

Here we’ve pulled together a list of those business ideas that are attractive for college students. Like the list above, some — like app developer — require previous experience. But many do not.

  • Virtual call center operator
  • Language translator
  • Importing electronic OEM gadgets
  • Online store
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Digital marketing campaign manager
  • Niche website owner
  • SEO expert
  • Self-publishing
  • Social media consulting
  • Content writer
  • Blogging
  • YouTuber
  • Handmade goods
  • WordPress theme developer
  • E-magazine
  • Drone videographer
  • Graphic design artist
  • Subscription service owner
  • Language teacher
  • Online teaching
  • Online courses
  • Mobile app developer
  • VR/AR app developer
  • 3D printing services
  • Web developer
  • Smart home contractor
  • Dog walker
  • Virtual assistant
  • Uber or Lyft driver [19459016 ]
  • Mobile pet grooming
  • Fitness instructor
  • Beard care products
  • Mobile medical app developer
  • Sustainable landscaping

List of Business Ideas for Kids and Teens

Kids and teenagers have more options than ever for launching their own business given the prevalence of internet technologies and online learning.

Remember that 17-year old girl who created a million-dollar website ? Then there’s the 7-year old who makes $11 million a year on his YouTube channel.

You might not become a multi-millionaire, but you can certainly earn income and grow your revenue.

  • Importing electronic OEM gadgets
  • Online store
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Niche website owner
  • Virtual assistant
  • Self-publishing
  • Blogging
  • YouTuber
  • Handmade goods
  • WordPress theme developer
  • E-magazine
  • Online courses
  • Mobile app developer
  • VR/AR app developer
  • 3D printing services
  • [194 59011] Web developer

  • Dog walker
  • Beard care products


Bookmark our site for tips on planning your business , funding it , marketing it , and managing it .

Contributing editor: Sherrie Gossett